LOADS  – Reader Erotica

Latest Loads

Farm to Market

Farm to Market

by Mugtoe [email protected] We drove balls to the wall at night in his old pickup that always felt like it was coming apart any moment. He was in socks and there was no pedal on the foot-feed, and we got up to 130mph in some places. He tossed the baby-seat in the back...

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Third Time’s the Charm Or: The Sunday Morning Hat Trick

Third Time’s the Charm Or: The Sunday Morning Hat Trick

New York claims to be the city that never sleeps, but New Orleans really should throw down for that title. Un/fortunately for the Big Apple, NOLA was/is too busy being a hot mess (emphasis on both hot and mess) to care much about titular honors. I can’t claim in any...

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Master Teaches Young Marine

Master Teaches Young Marine

Eero Kivi   Master Ross was a retired barber. He cut hair and shaved men. His visiting young muscular Marine Corps officer sat strapped in the barber chair in the basement dungeon as Master trimmed his hair into a high and tight flat top. He then restrained the...

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Eero Kivi Military trains strict rules of conduct. Rank determines place in the pecking order. Rank was on uniforms they wore. Off duty, friends knew the rank of their colleagues. Rank mattered far less off duty among friends, but remained known. My military Drill...

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Teaching Leather Lifestyle

Teaching Leather Lifestyle

by EERO KIVI I had taught young Marines advanced courses in computer systems in Virginia. I was now in the Pentagon under the Joint Chiefs Section. I didn't tell anyone what I did there, other than I was the fourth for a game of racquetball when a few senior officers...

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Photoshoot in Leather Chaps

Photoshoot in Leather Chaps

Finally another photo shoot. I arrived at the photographer's office, changed and put on my tight leather chaps, high boots, leather briefs, harness, wristbands and leather muir cap. The photographer was setting up his equipment and I walked into the studio in my...

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Forrest Gimp

Forrest Gimp

“This story is inspired by a certain Sir, and an unusual setting that both he and I appreciate. Parts of it are true…” -Author Sean exited the car and stretched his thick legs out a bit. He had been driving awhile to get to this national park which was one of the...

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That thing that gets you off, that place you have to go in your head to make you shoot, those things that two men can do with each other when they feel deeply connected, with complete trust in one another. Tell us about it.

Why put yourself out there like that? Because we are a fraternity of outlaws and outcasts. Our sexual desires set us apart and we can only look to each other for a sense of belonging and to find partners in our erotic adventures.

Send It

You put into words the dark places your imagination can go, or real life encounters (no kids, no women), send it by clicking the button below and it will show up for others to read and get off on. Original artwork and photography is welcome, too.

We want you to be heard. Tell us what gets you hard.