Adrian Bernal: Celebrating 25 Years of Rough Trade Gear

Scott Tambling for DRUMMER Magazine

Deep inside the quarters of Rough Trade Gear lies not just a collection of items, but a storied tapestry of lived experiences and expressions in leather, rubber and neoprene.

We got to chat with Adrian Bernal, founder and head honcho. He considers his crafted leather and latex pieces to be more than just gear. For the gay leather and fetish enthusiasts, they’re like gateways for self-expression and building a sense of community.

The Silver Lake Story: Establishing an Epicenter

DRUMMER Magazine (DM): Your story begins in Silver Lake, which you’ve transformed into an epicenter for the leather and fetish community. What drove you to plant your roots there 25 years ago?

Adrian Bernal (AB): It was the raw, untapped energy of Silver Lake that called to me. I saw a future—a place where our community could thrive, express freely, and indulge without apology. That vision fueled my every move, leading to the birth of Rough Trade Gear right amidst the waters of transformation that was the queer arts and music scene.

DM: Rough Trade Gear has been described as a pilgrimage into the “underworld of leather, kinks, and all other forbidden appetites.” How do you feel when people describe it that way?

AB: It’s spot-on. We’re not selling products; we’re offering an experience – a journey into the unknown parts of oneself. When people step into Rough Trade Gear, they’re looking for something more than a piece of leather; they’re seeking a connection, an identity, a tribe. Crafting Identity and Celebrating Diversity

DM: From harnesses and chaps to a vibrant neoprene collection, your designs embrace a broad spectrum of expressions. How do you ensure inclusivity in your designs and your community engagement?

AB: It starts by listening. Leather and fetish wear are deeply personal; they’re about bringing what’s inside out into the world. Our range aims to reflect the diversity and the strength of our community. We work closely with everyone—brothers, sisters, and gender non-conforming individuals—to create pieces that represent them truly.

Leather as a Lifeline: Community, Culture, and Connection

DM: Can you talk about a particularly memorable collaboration or partnership that’s made a significant impact on you or the community?

AB: Every collaboration is distinct, like the pieces we create. But working with titleholders, helping them to embody their full potential and contribute to their victories, is something that stands out for me. It’s more than just creating an outfit; it’s about empowering an individual’s mission—becoming a part of their story.

DM: You believe that gearing up with Rough Trade isn’t just putting on leather but clothing oneself in history, tradition, and power. Tell us more about this philosophy.

AB: Absolutely. Each piece is steeped in the culture and heritage of our community. Our garments are designed to be a second skin that enhances the wearer’s strength, power, and sexuality. It’s about walking with pride in who you are and owning your desires.

Outfitting Strength, Power, and Sexuality

DM: Looking back on 25 years of Rough Trade Gear, what stands out the most in your reflection? And, what aspirations do you have for the future?

AB: Seeing how the community has grown and evolved over the years is something really special. The future, for me, is about continuing that growth. It’s never been just about survival; it’s about thriving, innovating, and nurturing our community to keep finding that perfect fit—both in their leather and within themselves.

DM: Your mission is to help every person discover their authentic selves. For someone stepping into this world for the first time, what advice would you offer?

AB: Take it one step at a time. Explore without fear. Embrace your curiosity and desires. And most importantly, engage with the community. We are a mosaic of experiences, and there’s strength in that diversity. Don’t apologize for who you are; celebrate it.

DM: Lastly, Adrian, what does leather mean to you personally, and what do you hope it signifies to others?

AB: Leather is more than material; it’s a lifeline that connects us. For me, it’s resilience, it’s boldness, it’s love. And I hope others find their own meaning in it—a symbol of their journey and the connections they form along the way.

DM: Adrian, thank you for sharing your insights and for your unwavering dedication to our community.

Follow the scent of leather to Rough Trade Gear in Silver Lake, LA and Palm Springs, CA. Mingle with the community on Twitter @roughtradegear and connect via Facebook.
Here’s to another 25 years of embracing desires and confidently engaging in our strong, vibrant, and every-shade-of-the-queer-spectrum community. With every creak of leather and gleam of a buckle, may we all continue to find our perfect fit, within and without.


The Silver Lake Story: Establishing an Epicenter

DRUMMER Magazine (DM): Your story begins in Silver Lake, which you’ve transformed into an epicenter for the leather and fetish community. What drove you to plant your roots there 25 years ago?

Adrian Bernal (AB): It was the raw, untapped energy of Silver Lake that called to me. I saw a future—a place where our community could thrive, express freely, and indulge without apology. That vision fueled my every move, leading to the birth of Rough Trade Gear right amidst the waters of transformation that was the queer arts and music scene.

DM: Rough Trade Gear has been described as a pilgrimage into the “underworld of leather, kinks, and all other forbidden appetites.” How do you feel when people describe it that way?

AB: It’s spot-on. We’re not selling products; we’re offering an experience – a journey into the unknown parts of oneself. When people step into Rough Trade Gear, they’re looking for something more than a piece of leather; they’re seeking a connection, an identity, a tribe. Crafting Identity and Celebrating Diversity

DM: From harnesses and chaps to a vibrant neoprene collection, your designs embrace a broad spectrum of expressions. How do you ensure inclusivity in your designs and your community engagement?

AB: It starts by listening. Leather and fetish wear are deeply personal; they’re about bringing what’s inside out into the world. Our range aims to reflect the diversity and the strength of our community. We work closely with everyone—brothers, sisters, and gender non-conforming individuals—to create pieces that represent them truly.

Leather as a Lifeline: Community, Culture, and Connection

DM: Can you talk about a particularly memorable collaboration or partnership that’s made a significant impact on you or the community?

AB: Every collaboration is distinct, like the pieces we create. But working with titleholders, helping them to embody their full potential and contribute to their victories, is something that stands out for me. It’s more than just creating an outfit; it’s about empowering an individual’s mission—becoming a part of their story.

DM: You believe that gearing up with Rough Trade isn’t just putting on leather but clothing oneself in history, tradition, and power. Tell us more about this philosophy.

AB: Absolutely. Each piece is steeped in the culture and heritage of our community. Our garments are designed to be a second skin that enhances the wearer’s strength, power, and sexuality. It’s about walking with pride in who you are and owning your desires.

Outfitting Strength, Power, and Sexuality

DM: Looking back on 25 years of Rough Trade Gear, what stands out the most in your reflection? And, what aspirations do you have for the future?

AB: Seeing how the community has grown and evolved over the years is something really special. The future, for me, is about continuing that growth. It’s never been just about survival; it’s about thriving, innovating, and nurturing our community to keep finding that perfect fit—both in their leather and within themselves.

DM: Your mission is to help every person discover their authentic selves. For someone stepping into this world for the first time, what advice would you offer?

AB: Take it one step at a time. Explore without fear. Embrace your curiosity and desires. And most importantly, engage with the community. We are a mosaic of experiences, and there’s strength in that diversity. Don’t apologize for who you are; celebrate it.

DM: Lastly, Adrian, what does leather mean to you personally, and what do you hope it signifies to others?

AB: Leather is more than material; it’s a lifeline that connects us. For me, it’s resilience, it’s boldness, it’s love. And I hope others find their own meaning in it—a symbol of their journey and the connections they form along the way.

DM: Adrian, thank you for sharing your insights and for your unwavering dedication to our community.

Follow the scent of leather to Rough Trade Gear in Silver Lake, LA and Palm Springs, CA. Mingle with the community on Twitter @roughtradegear and connect via Facebook.
Here’s to another 25 years of embracing desires and confidently engaging in our strong, vibrant, and every-shade-of-the-queer-spectrum community. With every creak of leather and gleam of a buckle, may we all continue to find our perfect fit, within and without.